Monday, June 8, 2009

One week check in

My sponsor checked in with me yesterday to see how I'm doing after a week on the products. We went over my health survey and here's what's happened.

I thought my mental clarity, focus, and concentration has improved by about 50%. In one week I'd say that's pretty good! I think I've totally eliminated my cold feet at night, which is a circulation problem. I have not noticed that at all. Sugar cravings seem to be the same. Stress is about the same but was not high to begin with. The best thing is that my energy level is way up! I have a 7 week old baby and I do not feel tired AT ALL. Granted, he is a good sleeper - usually only getting up once/night. (I know! God had mercy on me after the last kid!) But I have a lot of energy during the day and don't think I could take a nap if I tried. It's not a hyper kind of energy either like I'd get on caffeine, more like a "feel-good" kind of energy. If this keeps up I'll be thrilled.

I have decided to order the kid's product for my daughter when I place my order this month. She's a good eater normally but some days it seems like she hardly eats anything. With all the stories I've heard about how much kids have benefited from the kid's shake I'm going to try it for her. Maybe it'll help the terrible twos, which seem to be in full force over here.

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